
District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC)

National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP)

National Tobacco Control ProgramGovernment of India has launched the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) in the year 2007-08 during the 11th Five-Year-Plan, with the aim to

  1.  Create awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption,
  2.  reduce the production and supply of tobacco products,
  3. ensure effective implementation of the provisions under “The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003” (COTPA)
  4.  help the people quit tobacco use, and
  5.  facilitate implementation of strategies for prevention and control of tobacco advocated by WHO Framework Convention of Tobacco Control .

The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced, killing more than 8 million people a year around the world. More than millions of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. Around 80% of the 1.1 billion smokers worldwide live in low- and middle income countries, where the burden of tobacco related illness and death is heaviest. Tobacco use contributes to poverty by diverting household spending from basic needs such as food and shelter to tobacco. Government of India launched the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) in the year 2007-08,during the 11th Five-Year-Plan. Baseline data generated through the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) India 2009-2010, indicating high level of prevalence of tobacco use, it was up scaled in the 12th Five Year Plan with a goal to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use by 5% by the end of the 12th FYP. As per the second round of GATS, the number of tobacco users has reduced by about 81 lakhs (8.1 million). All 30 Districts of Karnataka NTCP was implemented rest of 12 new District of Karnataka, NTCP implemented During 2015-16 FY in Raichur District.

Objectives of National Tobacco Control Program are as under

  • To build capacity of the State / Districts to effectively implement the tobacco control initiatives;
  • To train the health and social workers;
  • To undertake appropriate IEC activities and mass awareness campaigns, including at schools, workplaces; public place etc;
  • To set up a regulatory mechanism to monitor/ implement the Tobacco Control Laws;
  • To establish a system of tobacco product regulation.
  • Provide facilities for treatment of tobacco dependence
  • To conduct Adult Tobacco Survey/Youth Survey for surveillance, etc.
  • Integration with other programs under NFilvI: manpower, IEC, funding, strategies
  • Augmenting Tobacco Cessation: NPCDCS, NOIIP, Tb-Tobacco collaboration
  • Action Plan to meet the 2030 target of 3% reduction in tobacco cultivation
  • Coalition with all stakeholders, academic institutions and professional bodies

Structure of NTCP: (NTCC, STCC, DTCC)

a) National level

  • Public awareness/mass media campaigns for awareness building and behavioral change
  • Establishment of tobacco product testing laboratories. National level: Mainstreaming research and training on alternative crops and livelihood with other nodal Ministries.
  • Monitoring and evaluation including surveillance Integrating NTCP as a part of health-care delivery mechanism under the National Health Mission framework.

b) State Level

  • Dedicated State Tobacco Control Cells for effective implementation and monitoring of tobacco control initiatives. They ley activities include; State Level Advocacy Workshop Training of Trainers Programme for staff appointed at DTCC under NTCP. Refresher training of the DTCC staff. Training on tobacco cessation for Health care providers.
  • Law enforcers training / sensitization Programme.

c) District Level

  • Dedicated District Tobacco Control Cells for effective implementation and monitoring of tobacco control initiatives. The key activities include; Training of Key stakeholders: health and social workers, NGOs, school teachers, enforcement officers etc. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities School Programmes Monitoring tobacco control laws. Setting-up and strengthening of cessation facilities including provision of pharmacological treatment facilities at the district level. Co-ordination with Panchayat Raj Institutions for inculcating concept of tobacco control at the grassroots.

District Tobacco Control Cell Key Objectives :

  • Training of Key stakeholder: Health & Social Worker, NGOs, School teachers,
  • Enforcement
  • IEC
  • School Program
  • Monitoring of TC laws
  • Setting-up and Strengthening of Cessation facilities (TCC details)
  • Coordination with different departments
  • Documents (Acts/ rules, Guidelines/ Manual, Circular issued at state level)

Information, Education and Communication (IEC)

Why is IEC important?

Information, Education and Communication (IEC) plays a crucial role in bringing about this change. IEC is an essential component of National Tobacco Control Program. IEC aims to increase knowledge and awareness and is an important component of health promotion. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) in NTCP program aims to increase awareness, change attitudes and bring about a change in specific behaviors. 

Behavior change can refer to any transformation or modification of human behavior. Behavior change is a broad range of activities and approaches which focus on the individual, community, and environmental influences on behavior. Information Education Communication (IEC) is used for generating awareness. Behavior Change Communication (BCC) issued taking another step forward-enabling action.It means to provide a supportive environment that will enable people to initiate and sustain positive behavior.

The District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC) which is also consisting of all the departments conducts various tobacco control Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities. The primary IEC activities have school education program, Rose campaign, Yellow Line campaign and other IEC activities. The Raichur DTCC has conducted 370 school education program and declared 68 schools as tobacco free.

  • Rose campaign has been conducted in all the 7 taluks in the district. In the last 2 years 7 rose campaigns have been done. The aim is to reach many vendors through children asking them to comply with COTPA act.
  • Yellow line campaign is more like announcing that sale of tobacco within 100 yards of particular education institutions is prohibited. In the district the campaign in conducted in 150 schools in the last 2 years.
  • The DTCC has conducted radio talk shows, hoardings, auto miking, posters campaigns as part of IEC activities in the district. These prove to be very useful in reaching out to public and vendors for compliance to COTPA.

Trainings NTCP:

Training and capacity building is an important activity of the Cell. There are 5 types of training to be conducted under National Tobacco Control Program. District Tobacco Control Cell, under its initiative, should organize training programs for the following target trainees :

 Target Trainees :

  • Training of PMs representatives \ Police personnel \ Teachers \ Transport personnel \ NGO personnel \ other stakeholders:
  • Panchayat Raj Department Officers, Elected members of Panchayat Raj Institutions, PDO’S etc
  • Police Personnel of ASI \ PSI \ CPI ranks, Higher level police personnel Deputy Superintendents \ Additional Superintendent \ Superintendent  of the District 
  • Primary, Higher Pimary, High School teachers, Principals/headmasters of Schools & Colleges, Lecturers of Colleges \ ITl \ Diploma College \ TTF etc
  • Transport Department Officials, K.S.R.T.C employees, Bus drivers/Conductors 
  • Orientation of stakeholder organizations : Govemment Officials Community Health Workers Joint Civil Society Organizations, NGOs Registered and appropriate Organizations.
  • NCC
  • NSS
  • Rotary Lions Club members
  • Hotel and Bar Restaurant Associations.
  • Tobacco Vendors
  • Legal Aid Authority \ Lawyers
  • Media Representatives
  • Self Help Groups \ Stree Shakti Kendras
  • Tobacco Growers \ Cultivators

Training of Health Professionals

  • Community Health Workers
  • Doctors (Chief Medical Officers, Medical Officers, THO’s, Dental Health Officers, Psychiatrists, or any Registered Medical Practitioner), Nurses (ANMs \ Hospital \ Health Sector Workers \ Multiple Purpose Workers) 
  • IMA \ IDA members 
  • Training of ASFIA and other Covid warriors to reemphasize the relation between tobacco use and Covidl9 infection and its spread.

District Level Squad Team / Taluk level Squad teams

  • Police Departments
  • Food Authorities
  • Municipal Officers \ City Corporation Officers
  • Legal Metrology \ Commercial Tax Department
  • Assistant Drug Controller

NTCP Program at School level

Technical  justification : DTCC (District Tobacco Control Cell) shall do mapping of schools and colleges in the district. Accordingly, DTCC team shall make a quarterly comprehensive action plan for school program by  taking formal approval from DDPI and DDPU. Pre-University colleges (First Year and Second Year) to be involved in School campaign activity. A brief presentation followed by discussion to be done with students. Students to be involved in painting competition \ drawing competition \ Essay competition \ Debates and fancy dress/ skits.